Monday, February 18, 2008

- The path of my life -

I walk through the path that i don't really understand what it is all about,counting the leaf that falls on me,putting some love portion upon my heart,creating the magic dusts for me to make a wish,trying to find an angel to accompany my sleep.but i can't close the door that nearly open to the darkness of my life.I don't really know who i am.I can't remember where i belong to.I lost my way.I need the gloryness in my dream.I want to make my whole life more melodiness,like birds that chirping in the morning of their day.I want to run away from my predestined.Could it be?I miss the smile that used to be mine.I want to be back to the old me.And i wonder why i am me,trying to find the meaning of this life.And i have finished searching them in my life diary.Why won’t the clock stops for a second perhaps?But actually my wish is for it to stop forever,so that i can turn back my life and pause it for a while maybe.But i keep on saying that i won't regret my life that i chose for.Of course i am,cause i couldn't.I want to shout my heart,be the lyrics of my life,guide my fantasy to be reality,though i know nothing can change the madness of my dream.Cause dreams are just dreams,and words can always remain as words.They can just mean nothing,neither to make it as a shining star of my day cause it will only be the backstreet of my life.

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